Saturday, January 5, 2008

Writers Strike!

So, its been a long time since Ive written anything on here.

What can I say? I have been silent in support of the writers!! They are my people!! Itd be like crossing the picket line or something!

Just kidding! I havent written anything in a very long time because I have simply been busy. Thats not true- Ive been ridiculously busy, stressed out, overworked, and listless. And, in a time like this, when I would usually be most be prone to write, I just havent been able to even muster the will to put pen to paper- Errrr, fingertip to keyboard- but you know what I mean.

I have been utterly.....blah. Blue. Out of sorts. Disconnected.

Ive been listening to COLDPLAY. I know, right?!

I am so jealous of Jess, because she has been writing some amazing stuff lately!! You should all go visit her blog
RandomSlant because its friggin brilliant. Seriously.

Finally now that it is a new year, and I am growing tired of my creative complacency, I feel the words beginning to raise themselves from the depths, so check back soon!!

Lots of new stuff is on its way.